Patrick Valtin has personally trained over 140,000 people over the last 35 years. 50,000 of those being on the subject of talent acquisition and retention alone!
The Hire Master is an accumulation of Patrick's experiences and tactics that have made him and his company successful at recruiting.
"The best recruitment system that someone can use in order to make the hiring process in his company simple, easy and effective. With candidates with the highest level of precision. A must tool for every business!"
"HireBox is the most outstanding and thoroughly effective hiring solution I have ever come across. The insight it gives you into your hiring prospects is exact and comes in handy while going through the process of hiring. I have been wholeheartedly recommending this system to my friends. I also recommend it to YOU"
"I have personally done the Hire Master course and absolutely loved it. It took me from zero recruiting knowledge to having a full blown hiring procedure. Starting from marketing my job to on-boarding my new employees, this course covers it all. Loved loved loved it!"